This document walk you through the different options that help you produce desired legend.

a <- matrix(rnorm(100),nrow=10)
d <- both.cluster(a)

Two major function for producing legends are WLegendH (horizontal legend) and WLegendV (vertical legend). The following just placed a vertical legend to the bottom right of the dendrogram,

p <- WHeatmap(d$mat,name='a') + WDendrogram(d$column.clust, RightOf('a'), facing = 'left')
p + WLegendV('a',BottomRightOf())

padding and resizing

We can use h.pad (short for “horizontal padding”) option in BottomRightOf to make some space between the dendrogram and the legend.

p + WLegendV('a',BottomRightOf(h.pad=0.05))

The height option in WLegendV and WLegendH

p + WLegendV('a',BottomRightOf(h.pad=0.05), height=0.04)


The just option in BottomRightOf specify how the legend gets anchored to the bottom right of the dendrogram. The format is (horizontal anchor, vertical anchor). horizontal anchor can be c(‘left’,‘center’,‘right’) and vertical anchor can be c(‘bottom’,‘center’,‘top’). The default for BottomRightOf is c(‘left’,‘bottom’). Here we switch the legend anchor to c(‘left’,‘top’).

p + WLegendV('a',BottomRightOf(h.pad=0.05, just=c('left','top')), height=0.02)

So far we have covered vertical legend. Let’s look at horizontal legend.

p + WLegendH('a',BottomRightOf(h.pad=0.05, just=c('left','top')))

Note that if we use edge anchor to place the legend, the legend will be the same length or height as the anchored object. For example, this is how RightOf looks like

p + WLegendV('a',RightOf(pad=0.05, width=0.05), height=100000, width=9999)

Also note that RightOf do not have v.pad and h.pad. It only has pad which is the horizontal padding. There is only width and no height. The height and width option specified to WLegendV here are ignored.