CpG_chrm CpG_beg CpG_end probe_strand Probe_ID genesUniq geneNames transcriptTypes transcriptIDs distToTSS

The file includes annotation of probes if they fall from 1.5kbp upstream Transcription Start Site (TSS/Promoter), to Transcription Termination Site. A probe can be considered promoter associated if it is located from 1.5kbps upstream TSS to 1.5kbps downstream TSS. This information is given in the distToTSS column. Otherwise, the probe is considered associated with gene body. All isoforms are considered for each gene. This file also includes CpG island and CGI/Shore/Shelf annotation.

(1-3) CpG_chrm, CpG_beg, CpG_end: the location of the target. CpG_beg is 0-based coordinate and CpG_end is 1-based. The coordinates should have a span of 2 nucleotides for CpG probes, or 1 nucleotide for CpH and SNP probes.
(4) probe_strand: '+' for all the up-probes positioned in smaller coordinates and '-' for all the down-probes positioned in greater coordinates with respect to the target CpGs. "*" is used for unmapped probes.
(5) Probe_ID: Probe ID
(6) genesUniq: A ";"-delimited list of unique gene names. All associated genes are included regardless of their position wrt the CpG.
(7) geneNames: A ";"-delimited list of gene names for each transcript.
(8) transcriptTypes: A ";"-delimited list of transcript biotypes.
(9) transcriptIDs: ";"-delimited list of transcript IDs.
(10) distToTSS: A ";"-delimited list of distance to transcription start sites